UFO Encounter
And the Paranormal

What was that?
It is as strange as it sounds. You're not crazy. Historical reports of seeing a UFO or encountering some advanced intelligence go back in time. And current reports by men and women with high credentials take UFO encounters to a serious level. But how it impacts our internal system--namely, our mental and emotional states--should not be underestimated.
It's rare, but it does exist. While the field is behind on some things, I create space for "experiencers" to share their stories in a most confidential setting. A UFO encounter can affect one's personal state, relationships, and even career. Working through the experience is essential.

The Experiencer
More reports are surfacing that suggest something strange is happening. Experiencers find themselves wondering why. Simultaneously, they also feel a bond with another dimension of great mystery. Integrating the bizarre with everyday life can prove transformational.