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Body Mind Metaphor LLC

Kevin Quiles

M.Div., M.A., LPC, RYT-200

Psychotherapy | Spiritual Mentorship | Support Programs




Body Mind Metaphor LLC honors epistemological equality, cultural and gender diversity, social justice, and religious diversity.

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Reason sets the boundaries far too narrowly for us, and would have us accept only the known--and that too with limitations--and live in a known framework, just as if we were sure how far life actually extends. 
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Fast forwarding some 30 years through my 15 years in hospice and now over a decade as licensed professional counselor, I have narrowed my services to a few that I consider important not only for you but to better the world. No doubt that my age--62, if you're curious--has something to do with it. Flipping through this website will give you a good idea. But just to give you a hint, my main focus is on the common, the strange, and the complex. Let me start with the latter. I dabble quite intensively in a most difficult problem we face. Consciousness. Using theories that extend mind beyond the brain, I explore how such an unusual possibility impacts the way we look at ourselves and the challenges we face.


Speaking of unusual, I also welcome men and women who have had unusual experiences, be it with what we know as UFOs and the paranormal. And since my profession offers little to nothing on how to care for this population, I train psychotherapists to work effectively with high strangeness. 


The former is what you would expect. I've helped men and women work through trauma, anxiety, and depression. While I still do so, I like to support men, middle aged and older, who think they know who they are but with the growing changes don't. Getting older is no joke. And everything they've worked hard for is now changing direction. Then there's the mystical or esoteric. A most rewarding path, especially as we enter our second half of life. But one, I might add, where things can go wrong. And last but not least, I also work with a most feared subject, end of life. Aging and dying are not easy subjects to talk about. Our culture is classic evidence of avoidance with its messages of everlasting youth. But each of us will die. Living with this awareness can free us plenty. Preparing ourselves and our families early on about the inevitable can reduce the element of surprise.


 Feel free to flip the pages and learn more about my services.

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